Public News Notification
This is to notify the general public that the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) has received the domestic generation tariff proposal for the period January 2024 to June 2025 from the Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC) for the 118MW Nikachhu Hydropower Project.
In this regard, ERA would like to seek comments on the tariff proposal if any by 22nd December 2023. The tariff proposal and relevant documents can be downloaded from the ERA website For further clarifications, please contact Ms. Rinzin Choden at or call 327317 during office hour
Public News Notification
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Electricity Act of Bhutan 2001, Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) would like to notify the general public that ERA has received an application from Tangsibji Hydro Energy Limited (THyE), a developer of 118MW Nikachu Hydropower Project for issuance of Generation, Operation and Maintenance LicenceRead more
On 6th December 2023,ERA issued a separate license to Bhutan Power System Operator as per Section 39 of the Electricity Act of Bhutan,2001 over a simple ceremony at ERA office.